How To Review Your Business Performance

Who is this for?

This is for you if you want to review your business performance regularly and identify ways to improve your business profitability and cash flow.

Note: The information contained herein is for guidance only and may change over time. You should always seek professional advice and support to ensure that it is most appropriate to you and your own individual circumstances.

Why review your past business performance?

It’s important to review your past business performance regularly so that you can identify what is going well and what isn’t. Looking at your past business performance will also help you to identify changes that you can make to improve your future performance.

Where do you start?

You can consider how your business is performing under four key areas:

  1. Sales (turnover)
  2. Costs
  3. Profit
  4. Cash flow

Business Performance Checklist

You can use the Business Performance Checklist to help you to do this, remembering that you should be watching out for actual figures and also trends.

Click image to download 'Business Performance Checklist'