Consumer Sentiment Analysis
Tourism NI’s Consumer Sentiment Analysis gives in depth analysis on consumer confidence, propensity to travel and consumer concerns.

Tourism NI has completed the latest wave (Wave 15) of our research to track consumer sentiment in the Northern Ireland (NI) and Republic of Ireland (ROI) markets, measuring travel behaviour and travel intentions for the remainder of 2024 and into early 2025.
Fieldwork was undertaken in September 2024 with a robust, nationally representative sample from both markets. Results presented below are based on a sample of 750 adults in ROI and 400 adults in NI.
The NI report can be accessed here and the ROI report can be found here.
Key findings include:
Jan-September 2024 Performance
- Findings indicate a largely stable performance from the NI and ROI markets for overnight trips taken during the first nine months of the year, but growth in day trips.
- For those consumers in both markets who have taken a recent break in NI, the vast majority said their trip matched or exceeded expectations, with the range of places to eat & drink and the welcome & hospitality being particularly highly rated. Opportunities to enjoy the outdoors was also highly rated as a key aspect of the visitor experience.
Travel Intentions
- In relation to the last quarter of the year and looking ahead to early 2025, positive NI trip intentions are evident for ROI consumers, with domestic intentions broadly stable.
- Competition from abroad remains strong however, with many NI and ROI consumers considering taking a break abroad in the next six months. Among ROI consumers, an increased proportion intend to take a domestic break over the next six months.
- Key motivations for taking a break in NI continue to centre around relaxation and escapism. For NI consumers, enjoying great food and drink is a top motivator; while having fun tops the list for ROI consumers.
Value for Money
- Despite some slippage in value for money perceptions of accommodation and the cost of eating out, overall consumers in both markets continue to rate NI as a better value for money tourism destination than ROI and GB.
- ROI residents’ adverse perception of VFM of a domestic break continues to offer potential opportunities for NI, particularly in the current economic climate.
Cost of living impact
- Impacts of the rising cost of living continue to affect the majority of consumers in both markets. The number expecting to be significantly affected in the coming months remains stable in ROI but sees a decrease in NI.
- Increased cost of living was rated as the top barrier for taking a trip to NI over the next six months by NI and ROI consumers, with cost of accommodation another key barrier for consumers in both markets.
- When considering day trips, around half said they would look for more free things to do. There is also an increase in both markets in the number saying they will spend less on eating out.
- In the immediate autumn/winter months ahead there are some signs of a potential slowdown in both domestic and ROI consumer leisure spend, with over half intending to spend less eating out and going to pubs/bars. A considerable portion of consumers also say they will spend less on holidays abroad, day trips and engaging in paid attractions/activities.
- Findings suggest that impacts on personal finances are continuing to affect the majority of consumers in both markets. In relation to holiday behaviour, a considerable proportion of consumers say they would choose a cheaper destination abroad over a staycation, likely influenced by the strong perceptions that prevail regarding better VFM.
- In the current climate, value for money and visitor experience will remain important drivers.
Consumer Sentiment 2024
Consumer Sentiment 2023
Consumer Sentiment 2022
Consumer Sentiment 2021
Consumer Sentiment 2020