Digital Marketing Strategy for Tourism
Types of Content
Digital marketing strategies are not complete without content. The key is to create the right kind of content, for the right audience. If you start creating content without a purpose, you’ll be wasting your time and money.
You want to create:
- Content that your audience wants to consume;
- Content that is trending and will rank highly;
- Content that can generate more conversions for your business (email signups, leads, sales) as well as conversations to boost engagement (commenting, sharing, liking on social media).
There are many different types of content you can create, including:
- Blogs;
- Videos;
- Podcasts;
- Emails;
- Images and graphics;
- Slideshows;
- Quizzes/polls;
- Checklists;
- Courses;
- Webinars;
- Social media posts.
If you’re wondering what topics to create content around, there’s so many different kinds to get you started and keep your ideas fresh, including:
- Tutorials and how-to guides;
- Informing/responding to industry news;
- Current events;
- Checklists/cheat sheets;
- Listicles;
- Infographics;
- Case studies;
- Profiles;
- Interviews;
- Reviews;
- Resources;
- Solutions to problems;
- Sharing relevant content (e.g. curated/third-party content);
- Behind-the-scenes;
- A day in the life;
- Inspirational stories;
- Collaborations (e.g. influencer content);
- FAQs.
A good piece of advice would be to map out a rotation so you aren’t always posting the same kind of content, to help you keep things exciting and avoid becoming predictable. Once you have decided this, a plan can be established.