Creating a digital marketing strategy
In a world where physical travel experiences are on pause and travel restrictions are in place - now is the time to make the most of the digital space to market your business.
But why? Investing in a digital marketing strategy creates a wealth of opportunities for businesses in the tourism industry. By having a clear, consistent, cohesive strategy - you can present your brand to the right audience, on the right channel and receive tangible results.
Some of the things you can achieve with a digital marketing strategy are:
- Raising awareness of your brand;
- Engaging and building relationships with your audience;
- Encouraging actions;
- Increasing revenue.
Plus more.
Wondering how to start? Establishing a digital marketing strategy can be a lengthy journey, but it is worthwhile to become a strong brand that is instantly recognisable online. To do this, there are a number of factors to consider:
- What your goals are;
- What your tone of voice is;
- Who your audience is;
- What their online journey is like;
- How they can find you (keywords);
- Where they can find you (channels);
- What they can get from you (content).
Throughout this Tool Kit, we will explore how you can apply these and create a successful digital marketing strategy.